Most of You Can Protect Your Family and Estate for as Low as $499
A Quality 30+ Year Law Office Trust for an Affordable Price: As a 30+ year law office dedicated to trusts, we pride ourselves on delivering a proven, high quality, time tested, and reasonably priced, law office trust that has worked flawlessly for thousands of satisfied clients. Most of you (around 80%) are a great fit for and easily qualify for $499 trust-by-mail.
Generally, you need only be among the approximately 80% that wish to leave their estate equally to their children (spouse first, then children, if married). (Please understand, we’re not trying to be arbitrary with this rule. It’s just that trusts that stray from the aforementioned theme consume more attorney time, and require more drafting, and paperwork.) As for the 80% of you leaving your estate to your children, it is doubtful you’ll get a more applicable, comprehensive or better working trust than our trust-by-mail and we back it with our satisfaction guarantee.
(Scroll down to see what’s included in our trust package.)
- Our comprehensive trust by mail is NOT an “online trust” or “do-it-yourself trust” but rather our (same) in-office law office trust package that we individually draft based upon the information you submit.
- Just the same as we would do in-person, we print out and organize your documents ready for your signature — but with our trust-by-mail each document comes with cover sheets containing clear instructions, illustrations and explanations for each –all supplemented by our step-by-step videos.
- There is no obligation or cost to go through our intake and information form. It includes informative videos to help you understand the process and learn about the issues. It is easy, doesn’t take much time and allows you to save and resume later.
Why Pay For What You Can Learn For Free?!
Take advantage of our series of short, free, step-by-step videos that walk you through the entire trust process, and most everything else you should know when establishing a trust. These carefully scripted videos draw from over 30 years’ experience and are designed to simulate the same instructions, discussions, explanations, procedures, and guidance that you would be given sitting in and through the typical law office trust process – except that you get to do it for free, at home, at your pace, according to your convenience and schedule. Give it a try and discover how easily you can learn the same kind of information it could otherwise cost thousands of dollars in hourly fees to learn. (Think of it as paying yourself $1,000 an hour tax-free instead)
- Our Comprehensive Living Trust: A comprehensive, real world tested law office trust backed by over 30 years of dedicated trust experience that includes sub-trusts for minor children, exemption sub-trusts, and nomination of your successor trustees.
- Trust Estate – Master Transfer and Assignment of Assets to Trust: Not only acts to generally assign and declare your assets to be governed by your trust, but serves as an emergency backup allowing for summary court petitions to confirm “untitled assets” as part of your trust. (Learn More and Watch Video about the Trust Estate — Master Transfer >)
- “Pour-Over” Wills: Act as a final emergency backup to your trust. (Learn More and Watch Video about Pour-Over Wills >)
- Trust Certification: Sets forth important information about your trust; helpful for titling assets in your trust and in real estate financing transactions.
- Nomination of Guardianship for naming those you wish to act as your minor children’s legal guardians. (Learn More and Watch Video about Guardianship >)
- Community Property Agreement (if married): For married couple we also include a community property agreement, which is often the single most valuable component in married estate planning, yet, it isn’t even offered in many trust packages. Suffice it to say that the community property agreement has allowed countless surviving spouses to shelter hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars from income taxation. (Learn More and Watch Video about the Community Property Agreement >)
- Durable Power of Attorney for Finances: Allow you to appoint an agent to act on your behalf regarding financial matters beyond the reach of your trust. (Learn More and Watch Video about Durable Power of Attorney >)
- Advance Health Care Directives: Replaces the outdated Living Will and Power of Attorney for Health Care formats. (Learn More and Watch Video about Advance Health Care Directive >)
- Click Here for a More Detailed Explanation and Purpose of Each of the Above Documents >
Optional Deed Preparation ($125 each for most): California Transfer Deed with Recording Documents for Titling California Real Estate Property in Your Trust – typically your residence (additional charge of $50 for San Mateo and Merced Counties that require additional documents). Out of State deeds quoted individually (Learn More and Watch Video about Deeds >)
Price Comparison and Other Important Guidelines
- Always Compare Bottom Line Pricing: Many times important documents are not included in an offer or inflated add-on charges apply for necessary items. When comparing prices be careful to get to a bottom line price that includes everything you want and need.
- Remember The Importance of Attorney-Client Privilege: Remember that when you work with a law office, all information and communications are protected by the attorney-client privilege and by law must be held in the strictest of confidence. That is not the case with non-attorneys!
- Beware of Trust Scams: There are many unscrupulous, unqualified, non-attorney, trust companies that put on seminars, sell trusts, then use or pass along your information for the purposes of up-selling you annuities, insurance and other “financial packages”. Many try to fool you by claiming “an attorney drafts your trust”. Learn how to easily identify these cleverly disguised questionable or illicit operations peddling living trusts under the guise of legitimacy. Learn more >