Introductory Video for Affordable Living Trusts

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Since 1988 our law office has been delivering quality, reasonably priced living trusts, serving thousands of satisfied clients and allowing countless families to provide this crucial protection to their loved ones and estate. We offer one of the most reasonable pricing structures in the industry. So before you pay thousands of dollars for a living trust we suggest that you give us a look, peruse our website and watch our informative videos. If you are like our many clients you’ll be happy you did!
Welcome to the most informative, complete, and comprehensive website on living trusts. (We challenge you to find a better one.) Here, you can learn most everything you need to know, and find detailed explanations and answers to the common issues and questions that surround living trusts (and much, much more).
In stark contrast to most trust offices, we strive for complete transparency, where we take the mystery out of the process, pricing, and issues. Here you have the opportunity to learn beforehand, full details about our charges, the process, the documents, and what we do and how it is done from A to Z. (see below about our step-by-step videos and clear explanations.)
We include a complete series of short, step-by-step videos that walk you through the entire trust process from completing the intake material, to thoroughly explaining each of your trust documents and much, much more. These videos draw from over 26 years experience and take you through the same issues, procedures, instructions, and advice that you would be given sitting right in front of us – except that you get to do it at home, at your pace, according to your convenience and schedule.
We offer a no-obligation process where we allow you to go through the entire process without having to commit one dime to us. You only pay if you are comfortable, happy with what you see and decide you want to sign and complete your trust.

Frequent Issues & Topics When Completing A Trust

Frequent Issues & Topics When You Already Have A Trust

Client Reviews: We Love our Clients, And They Love Us.

Check out what our clients are saying about Affordable Living Trusts!

“ I had a great experience at “Affordable Living Trusts” and have referred them to family, friends & clients.”

– Debbie S.

Shouldn’t Wills Require Full Disclosure Too?

Consider this: The true costs and consequences of a Will do not hit home until long after you sign it and at a time you can no longer complain or change it. The very document (Will) that you sign years beforehand, obligating you to probate, makes no mention of the eventual burdening costs and processes. The lawyer you are paying to draw it up and represent your interests isn’t required to discuss it nor is it a practice for lawyers to do so. Technically, you can’t call any of this outright concealment because they will tell you it is all a matter of public record and known law. Yet, does that mean you, or “Aunt Rose”, or most any other layperson for that matter truly and fully grasps the real end costs, impact and obligation of probate when signing a Will or that you don’t want it discussed? Consider that you can’t complete a home loan without a separate document that highlights and details all of the short and long term costs and obligations. Yet lawyers, supposedly representing their clients’ best interests, are allowed to draft and complete Wills without ever mentioning, discussing or disclosing the end costs and headaches of probate. As long as that is allowed to continue it is up to you to educate yourself and take steps to prevent this backend incursion on your family and hard earned dollars.

Keep Your Family In Control

When you utilize a Living Trust there is never any loss of control to a costly, impersonal government process. It stays a private affair between the family, beneficiaries, and trustee of your choosing — and keeps control where it belongs – with the family – not the whims of the state and lawyers.

Maintain Your Privacy

In probate the entire affair — the Will, the size of the estate, the type of assets, how much they are worth, the beneficiaries, what they get, and everything else is public record for everyone in the world to see. In stark contrast a Living Trust is completely private.

Avoid High Probate Fees

Probate court means probate fees, which are based on the gross value of the estate (not the net). Additional extraordinary fees are also routinely charged. In fact, reliable statistics indicate that the total cost of probate averages between 8 and 10% of the gross estate. (No debt deduction)

Facilitate Quick Settlement

Living trusts allow you to minimize lawyer involvement, keep the family in control and provide you the capability to quickly and easily settle and distribute the estate rather than forcing the family through a lengthy, bureaucratic and cumbersome probate.

Avoid Probate The Right Way

Any successful probate avoidance technique needs to also maintain maximum tax advantage and protection. It is there that Joint Tenancy and alternative probate avoidance techniques typically fail in such hidden and costly fashion. Assets passed through a Living Trust do not suffer these grave problems. Learn more!

Protect Immature Beneficiaries

No one likes the idea of an 18 year old squandering an inheritance — yet did you know that without a trust a teenager would take over full management of an inheritance the day they turned 18? A trust allows you to control the management and terms of distributions until beneficiaries reach the age you specify.

Beware of Living Trust Scams

Beware of numerous illegal, unethical, and illicit entities peddling living trusts under the guise of legitimacy. If it is not a law office your information is not confidential and it is an illegal operation (even if they state that a lawyer drafts your trust). Learn more!

Advance Health Directive

It is impossible to overemphasize how important it is for every person to complete an advance directive lest you risk even your spouse or closest loved one be denied the ability to help or provide input or receive any information or communication in a medical situation or emergency. Learn more!

Don’t Procrastinate — Get It Done!

Establishing a trust is relatively inexpensive, straightforward, and simple; getting caught without one is nightmarishly expensive and complex. For the sake of your family we urge everyone to take care of this important matter and avoid the common but mistaken tendency to put it off.

Our Trust Package Includes What You Should Expect & More

  • A Comprehensive Living Trust

  • A Master Assignment of Assets

  • Pour-Over Wills

  • Guardianship for Minor Children

  • Deeds To Transfer Real Estate

  • California Recording Forms (PCOR)

  • A Community Property Agreement

  • Advance Health Directives (Living Will / Power of Attorney for Health Care)

  • Durable Power of Attorney For Finances

  • Young Person’s Trusts

  • Full Video Guidance

  • An Informative Website

  • 25+ Years Dedicated Solely To Living Trusts

  • Living Trust Originals

  • A Full Copy of All Documents

  • An E-Copy / PDF Copy

  • Living Trust Binder

  • Living Trust Funding Instructions

  • Great Customer Service

  • Committed To Affordable Living Trusts

Avoid The Vacation or Surgery Scramble!

We’ve nicknamed it the “living trust vacation scramble”. For some reason, mere days before departure, most feel an urgent need to make sure their estate plan is in order before they leave. While we agree that it is wise to be covered, we also suggest it is far better to have taken care of this ahead of time than it is to be scrambling at the last minute when it is highly stressful, if not impossible to get it done. The same applies to establishing your living trust done when all is well. Some of our most heartbreaking times occur when we are asked to help someone who has been diagnosed with a life threatening condition, or is facing major surgery. Yes, the trust needs to be done, but it is nonetheless a very awkward and emotional time to deal with these matters! We urge everyone, when possible, to take care of your estate planning when you are healthy and can joke about your mortality rather than at a time it might be staring you in the face!

The Search For Perfection That Leaves So Many In The Most Imperfect Place Of All!

Clients tend to delay implementing a living trust for many years after they have already decided they should have one. This occurs for a myriad of reasons – natural human procrastination, the mistaken belief that it is very involved, they can’t quite make up their minds on a few points, they are searching for the perfect attorney, the perfect trust, the perfect price, the perfect timing. On the surface many of these reasons appear understandable and reasonable, but when you take a closer look, the major flaw in such logic is the absolutely terrible position you are allowing yourself to stay in during this time. In the flawed thinking which often accompanies this line of reasoning, many people believe this waiting period is so they can make a good decision. Problem is, where you may think you have not yet made a decision in this important matter, you actually have because without your own estate plan your signature is on the one the state has made up for you. On your most indecisive day you can probably arrive at a better estate plan for yourself (than the “state”). (Did you know that without a trust an 18 year old would gain uncontrolled use of an inheritance?)

We Make It Straightforward and Affordable! Judge For Yourself! Download The Packet and Watch Our Videos! Join Thousands of Satisfied Clients! Contact Us Today at (408) 741-1627

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