Signing & Notarizing Your Living Trust Documents

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Your Living Trust Package Should Include:

  • Your Comprehensive Living Trust
  • A Master Assignment of Assets
  • Pour-Over Wills
  • Deeds for transferring your real estate to your trust
  • Forms for recording your Deeds
  • Nomination of Guardianship for any minor children
  • Trust Certification
  • Financial Durable Powers of Attorney
  • Advanced Health Care Directives
  • A Community Property Agreement for Married Couples in Community Property States

Each Document Has A Short, Corresponding Instructional Video

Our short videos will walk you through each of your living trust documents providing clear explanations and instructions. First however, we want to give you some overall advice about signing and notarizing your documents.

Your Documents Aren’t Effective Until They Are Signed and Notarized

Remember, your living trust documents are not effective until they are signed and notarized, which is why we strongly suggest you do both as soon as possible.

Must Furnish Acceptable ID To The Notary

To have any document notarized you must generally furnish a current Drivers License, DMV ID, or Passport.

Notaries Aren’t Required To Charge The Maximum

Maximum notary fees are usually set by state law. For instance, notaries in California are allowed to charge up to $15 per notarized signature. Yet that doesn’t mean you have to pay that much, and you probably shouldn’t given the fact that your trust package involves notarizing multiple documents in a single sitting. You should be able to find many notaries willing to negotiate down to $5 per notarized signature, which we believe is a reasonable rate under the circumstances.

Sign Your Documents BEFORE Going To The Notary

In most states such as California you are not required to sign your documents in front of the notary when it is a simple acknowledgement. This means you can first review and sign your documents at home, then all you have to do when you see the notary is acknowledge that you signed the documents.

Always Double-Check The Notary’s Work

Finally, notaries are human and they sometimes forget to complete certain parts of the notary area. That is why you should double check to make sure your notary clearly stamps, signs, and completes all parts of the notary acknowledgement form on every document. It is much easier to correct any omissions while you are still there than to try to correct them later.