Imparting 30+ Years Trust Experience & Guidance To You

Learn For Free At Your Convenience and According to Your Schedule


In every law office trust process, there is information you must furnish, issues you need to know about, and choices you must make. Rather than shrouding this in mystery we instead offer access to a free and informative online intake form as well as a series of short, step-by-step videos that walk you through the entire trust process, and most everything else you should know when establishing a trust — from completing the intake forms material, to thoroughly explaining each of your trust documents, even to Why a Living Trust is the Only Intelligent Choice if you need to know.


These carefully scripted videos draw from over 30 years’ experience and are designed to simulate the same instructions, discussions, explanations, procedures, and guidance that you would be given sitting in and through the typical law office trust process – except that you get to do it for free, at home, at your pace, according to your convenience and schedule. Give it a try and discover how easily you can learn the same kind of information it could otherwise cost thousands of dollars in hourly fees to learn.  (Think of it as paying yourself $500 an hour tax-free instead)


Though you can access just the videos by scrolling below, we strongly suggest watching these same videos presented within our free, online intake form process. It is a more complete and integrated process with the corresponding explanations and videos embedded within the section being discussed. If you are truly trying to figure out what you need to complete a trust, we suggest going straight to our online form. (accessed below). It’s free and there’s no obligation.

— > Click here to access our Married Online Form

 — > Click here to access our Single Online Form


In this section you will find a series of short videos that thoroughly explain each document in your trust package including its importance,  purpose, and proper execution — along with suggested record keeping and safekeeping strategies.

— > Click here to access our Document Videos


Many of you already know why you should have a trust — but just in case you don’t (or need a refresher) — these 5 short videos (totaling about 15 minutes) will give you a thorough understanding of why it is so important. (Much better than sitting through a seminar!)

— > Click here to access our Videos on Why a Living Trust is the Only Intelligent Choice!

Did you know that without a trust an 18 year old would gain uncontrolled use of an inheritance!

Scroll below if you want to access only the videos about the intake and information process: As discussed above,  you have the option watch the videos by themselves (below). Again however, we strongly suggest watching these same videos presented within the context of our step-by-step, online intake form process.  If you decide to complete your trust through our office you will be required to go through our online intake form anyway (so why do this twice?).  The online intake form process provides a more logical progression and better context for watching these videos as each video is embedded within the corresponding section being discussed.

Scroll below to access our videos  — or — > Click here to access our Married Online Form — or — > Click here to access our Single Online Form

Click Here To Play Video On The Conflict Agreement & Community Property Worksheet

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(A) Married Conflict Agreement and Community Property Worksheet Explained (5 minutes): For married couples we start the living trust process discussing one of the most important and generous tax benefits available to those residing in community property states such as California. We call it the community property tax benefit and it often proves to be the single most valuable part of a comprehensive living trust process – so valuable that it has allowed countless surviving spouses to legally shelter hundreds of thousands, even millions of dollars from income taxation. Watch the video and learn more(or you can read about it instead by clicking here.)

Who Do You Want In Control

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(B) Married Trust Worksheet Explained (2min 52sec) This video discusses the new (2011) law of Portability, a welcome reform which now allows spouses to safely leave their estates outright to each other while still allowing the survivor to make use of the deceased spouse’s exemption to pass a potential total of $10+ million tax free. Portability essentially outdates the tax-need for complicated and restrictive AB sub-trusts. Watch the video and learn more(or you can read about it instead of watching the video by clicking here.)

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(1) Real Estate Worksheet Explained (2min 15sec) This video discusses the purpose of the real estate worksheet, which is to provide a current picture of your real estate holdings. For many this is simply your home; for others, you may own multiple properties. Whichever the case may be, if you want your trust to pass your real estate, it is vitally important that you record properly executed deeds transferring each property into the name of your trust. Watch the video and learn more.

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(2m) Completing The MARRIED Questionnaire (6min 10sec) This video guides you through the MARRIED trust questionnaire

[singles see (2S) below] where you provide us your names, childrens’ names, contact information, successor trustee names, and other information. We also confirm your intent on a few matters. To play the correct questionnaire video please click the appropriate selection depending if you are completing an in-office trust or a trust-by-mail. Watch the video and learn more.

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(2s) Completing The SINGLE Questionnaire (5min 30sec) This video guides you through the SINGLE trust questionnaire

[marrieds see (2M) above] where you provide us your names, childrens’ names, contact information, successor trustee names, and other information. We also confirm your intent on a few matters. To play the correct questionnaire video please click the appropriate selection depending if you are completing an in-office trust or a trust-by-mail. Watch the video and learn more.

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(3) Completing The Client Checklist (4min 58sec) This video provides an overview of the client checklist that confirms your understanding of important rules and disclosures related to your living trust. All clients must initial and sign acknowledging their understanding of these issues (such as the importance of titling your assets in the name of your trust, seeking legal advice at death, etc.).  Watch the video and learn more(or you can read about it instead of watching the video by clicking here.)

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(4) The Vital Importance of Titling Your Assets In The Name of Your Living Trust (4min 05sec) In this presentation, we provide an overview of titling your assets in the name of your trust. This is a very important topic, because if you want your trust to pass your assets, then you must title them in the name of your trust. Always remember and follow that simple rule because it is key to your trusts’ functionality and avoiding probate. Titling your assets in your trust is not difficult and on average it takes about 20 minutes per asset or account. Watch the video and learn more(You can read more about this as well as access, download and print the handout: “The Importance of Titling Your Assets In The Name of Your Trust” by clicking here.)

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(5) Beneficiary Designation Strategies For Life Insurance & Retirement Plan Accounts (3min 28sec) This presentation discusses strategies for handling Life Insurance and Qualified Retirement Plans (which you do not title in your trust). Fortunately, these assets can pass very easily without probate. All you need to do is designate whom you want the funds paid to in the event of your death. This is usually done on a beneficiary designation form where you generally name a primary beneficiary and a secondary, contingent, backup beneficiary. Watch the video and learn more. (or you can read about it instead of watching the video by clicking here.)